Saturday, 13 September 2008

Alcohol Ban for Estates in Thetford

So what's been happening lately?

Tuesday 2nd September; Attended a course on how to put a website together, was held at the Keystone Innovation Centre and was attended by quite a lot of people, primarily those from the business community. Some guy from Business Link did himself no favours by making a derogatory remark about Thetford during his presentation which certainly angered me and probably others too. Then I had the weekly art club at the Abbey. Wednesday 3rd Sept: Work with Jean from 9.30am on the Charles Burrell project, going really well. Then worked with Tim Lovejoy from 2pm on Barnham Cross matters. Attended my first planning committee meeting in the evening at 7pm. Had to declare an interest in two items, both by Peddars Way as the fund my community post at Keystone Thursday 4th Sept: Went with James to see a financial adviser in town re: getting a mortgage, will cost about £800 to get me put onto the mortgage. At 2pm I met with 3 residents from the Abbey Estate who want to set-up a project to record videos and take photos about good community stories in Thetford and post them on the internet, gave some advice on potential funding sources, how to set the group up etc. At 7.30pm, it was the monthly Thetford Labour Party meeting, the first one taking place in the new Thetford Sports and Social Club. Friday 5th September: General office work, then attended a Finance and Buildings Committee meeting at Charles Burrell at 2.30pm Saturday 6th Sept: Worked with Jean from 11am - 1pm; yes! on a Saturday!! Spent a couple of hours door knocking and talking to residents about the Charles Burrell project and also parking issues along Staniforth Road and speeding concerns. Sat night - watched Bee Movie with Kyle and Jaime. Monday 8th Sept: Was due to meet Bev Williams from Creative Arts East to progress with the Bollywood Concert but her car broke down so that was cancelled, progressed with general bits and pieces and wrote my list of aims and objectives for September. Spent evening with Davi, had pizza and watched The Wedding Singer. Tuesday 9th Sept: Travelled to Wymondham to meet Bev, suprisingly managed to find the place in Wymondham quite easily. From there I went to meet the marketing company which is based between Wymondham and Attleborough, they are putting together the initial leaflet for the Charles Burrell project. Had to get back to Thetford via all the villages as the A11 was closed off. At 1.30pm I met with Tim Lovejoy and John Warnock about the TCA's football coaching project - went well. Then worked the first art club session from 3.30pm - 6.15pm then whizzed to Barnham Cross for the monthly resients group meeting from 6.30pm - 9pm. A busy - but very productive day!!! Wednesday 10th Sept: Had my first Staniforth Trust meeting, the Trust owns Kings House and the gardens, the Town Council rents Kings House off the Trust, all Town Councillors are Trustess of the Staniforth Trust. Had a discussion about making improvements to the garden etc. Thursday 11th Sept: Monthly Safer Thetford Action Group meeting at 10am Friday 12th Sept: Progressed with Barnham Cross admin work etc with Tim, and met with Angela, Steve and Keith Beckett to discuss safety issues around Pine Close shops and to agree further improvements. Looks like we're getting anti-climb paint (!) oh well. In the evening, myself, Sarah L, Ricky, Fiona, Gary and Fionas son spent a few hours sorting through all the cupboards at the Abbey Centre, we've created an art room and a music room for the kids at the Tuesday sessions! Limited storage as ever at the Abbey! Today - Saturday 13th Sept: Had a nice long lay-in, spending the day updating my blog, processing paperwork, generally tidying up and doing housework - washing, polishing, hoovering etc, all the fun things!

Street Art Event in Bury Free Press 29.08.08

Colourful art hits the street Published Date: 29 August 2008 By Lindsey Newton "Thetford was awash with colour as youngsters celebrated the achievements of Team GB at the Olympics. The Street Art comes to Thetford event took place on Wednesday and yesterday and was organised by Terry Jermy, Keystone Development Trust community and youth project worker, with the aim of getting young people and families involved in art. Kevin Parker, a Norwich artist, created the design and sprayed the outline on the Market Place and the gaps were painted. Mr Jermy said: "It was a great chance for children to do something fun and creative in the town during the summer break." Ruby Miller, nine, of St John's Way, said: "It's fun doing the painting and we are working in a team," while Amy Meardon, 10, of Churchill Road, said: "It's quite tough to keep it neat but I am enjoying it and it will look good when it is finished." The painting will be on view until Sunday, when it will be removed with pressure washers.

Abbey Art Group Article in Bury Free Press 05.09.08

Published Date: 05 September 2008 By Lindsey Newton A youth group to entertain Thetford's youngsters has gone from strength to strength, thanks to the dedication of staff and volunteers. The Abbey Children and Youth Venue, which meets weekly at the Abbey Neighbourhood Centre, was started six weeks ago by the Abbey Neighbourhood Centre Help Our Residents (Anchor) group.Set up to cater for five-15 year olds, the venue has got a youngsters who visit every week and numbers are growing.Thanks to funding from the Monument Trust, each session offers a themed arts activity.Activities have included making and decorating badges and Olympic medals as well as creating fruit kebabs.Terry Jermy, Keystone Development Trust community arts co-ordinator, said: "The response to the new group has been overwhelming and some weeks we have had more than 50 youngsters taking part."It is really great to offer the youngsters something to keep them entertained."Staff from Keystone attend each session and a number of parent volunteers help. The project is also supported by Ricky and Sarah Aylott, who run the Abbey Café.The Abbey Children and Youth Venue takes place every Tuesday from 4-5.30pm for children aged five-nine and from 6–7.30pm for 10-15 year-olds. Each session costs 50p. For more information, contact the Abbey Neighbourhood Centre on 01842 821643

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Street Art Event; 27th and 28th August

End of August activities...

August is now over, it really flew by! I had a particularly busy week last week with the street art event in Thetford. On Tuesday 26th - Art / Youth Club day, 3.30-7.30pm, a total of 44 young people over the two sessions! eek! Bury Free Press attended today and took some pictures and will be writing an article about the club which I will post seperately. Wednesday 27th - Interviewed live on Radio Norfolk at 7.20am about the Street Art Event, chatted about the event and then they asked what Olympic sport I would take part in if I was an athlete and I couldn't think of anything so strangely said boxing! Thursday 28th - Second day of street art event, went really well, hundreds of people took part with the painting or just standing and watching. Will post photos and press cuttings seperately. A few negative comments - mainly about it encouraging graffiti, a view shared by some of my town council colleagues unfortunately but there we go!