Monday, 26 January 2009

Updates on developments with me.....

Well as you can see by the picture uploads, it has been a busy week! Last Tuesday (20th Jan) I attended the Obama Inauguration event in Cambridge hosted by Richard Howitt MEP and attended by Jon Prescott MP. It was a thoroughly enjoyable event, attended by myself an 10 other people from Thetford, and literally hundreds of Labour Party people from across East Anglia! who would have thought it... hundreds of Labour Party people in East Anglia! Whatever next! Then on Friday, we had the annual Thetford Labour Party Social Event, attended by more people this year then any other year I can remember. Feedback was great, people loved the food and the venue! Which was great considering branch members requested it was held at the Abbey Neighbourhood Centre (where I am now Centre Manager) and I was pleased they liked our humble little centre. Richard Howitt attended, and as someone commented on the night, we certainly get out fair share of Richard's time given the vast geographically area he covers. I managed to talk to him for quite a while as I sat next to him on the top table - oooooooo get me! On Saturday, I went to County Hall in Norwich for a meeting of the Norfolk Labour Group and planning for the 2009 County Council elections! - which no-body still knows if they are happening or not! Then today, I worked all day on various bitsand pieces, and this evening attended a meeting of the Recastle Action Group, was designed to rejuvenate the group and actually went very well. It has always been the estate that misses out because local people have not wanted to come forward and volunteer and take part, hopefully that will change, tonight was certainly encouraging......

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Thetford Labour Party New Year Dinner

On Friday, we had the annual Thetford Labour Party Christmas/New Year Social event which I organise each year. It is normally a Christmas event but this year we opted to try a 'New Year' event. It was very successful with 34 members attending. We were joined by special guest Richard Howitt MEP - who is probably the hardest working MEP in the whole of the UK!

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Obama Inuguration; 20th January 2009

On Tuesday I attended an event in Cambridge hosted by Richard Howitt MEP, with John Prescott MP as the key-note speaker. There was 11 of us that went from Thetford and it was a very enjoyable, and memorable event. Here are some photos...