Report from Councillor Terry Jermy (District & County)
Tuesday 28th July 2020 – Thetford Town Council
Norfolk County Council
· I have participated in a virtual meeting of the Corporate Select Committee on 13th July and the Corporate Asset Management Strategy Working Group on the 30th June 2020 and 15th July 2020. I also attended the Full Council meeting on 20th July 2020 and spoke in the debate about Food Poverty. This provided me with an opportunity to highlight the work of the food Out Friday initiative that I have been involved in. Just before the end of the school term I was pleased to visit Diamond Academy and pass on £500 worth of vouchers for the school to distribute to families. Diamond Academy prioritised the support for families that often fall under the radar, which included families that had previously been in receipt of free school meals, but became ineligible by working themselves out of the benefits system, but resting just above meant they were often more disadvantaged. The recognition and support was very well received.
· On the 1st July 2020 I completed the Council’s training in relation to Corporate Parenting.
· I submitted written questions to the Norfolk County Council Cabinet meeting on 6th July 2020 in relation to the former Cosy Carpets building and the ongoing legal dispute about this.
Breckland Council
· As a Breckland Council representative I participated in the virtual meeting of the Greater Thetford Partnership Board on 8th July 2020 and met on a 1-2-1 basis with the new Greater Thetford Partnership Manager. I spoke about the need to not ‘re-invent the wheel’ and use existing data, consultant reports and studies to ensure the Board delivers a number of quick wins. I’ve encouraged the Board and the new Partnership Manager to focus on walking and cycling improvements locally given the comprehensive walking and cycling report and positive messages (and funding!) from Government on this aspect.
· I attended the Breckland Council Cabinet meeting on 13th July 2020 and spoke in relation to the Council’s finances and the near ¾ million pound overspend in the last financial year, primarily in relation to housing and homelessness. I asked what the longer-term plan was to ensure we did not have to rely on hotels and B&Bs to house homeless residents.
· I attended the Breckland Council Scrutiny meeting on 16th July 2020 and spoke in relation to covid19 and the Council’s response to this and general support for businesses – I have asked that the Council do more to support local businesses and have requested a future agenda item to look at a local procurement policy.
· I attended Breckland Full Council meeting on the 22nd July 2020 and tabled a written question in relation to the Breckland Local Plan. No members of the opposition sit on this committee and only committee members are permitted to speak which is causing some consternation. I asked the Leader to write to the Secretary of State to ask why Thetford was turned down for Government funding (Towns Fund) despite it scoring higher in the assessment stage that other areas that were allocated funding.
· I completed a Ward Walkabout with Councillor Chris Harvey on 9th July, 13th July and 17th July. We currently have 35 pieces of casework submitted, primarily related to street scene related issues; fly-tips, broken street furniture, obsolete signage and general maintenance issues.
General Point: All County and District meetings are being held virtually and broadcast live, with recordings available to watch at your leisure. I would encourage people to watch the meetings if you are able as they are currently far more accessible than normal.
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