Thursday 23 July 2020

Breckland Full Council - 22nd July 2020

Here's the link to watch the whole of Breckland Council's Full Council meeting yesterday. New (probably temporary) arrangements mean that Council meetings are being conducted online so whereas you would normally have to drive to Dereham on a weekday morning, now you can watch the meeting from the comfort of your own home, and you can even watch it after the event and pause it as it is saved on Youtube. Yesterday's meeting is well worth a watch. The meeting was dominated by discussions about the Local Plan Working Group which discusses and coordinates policies relating to house building across the District for the next two decades. The 'Group' is made up of Councillors purely from the Conservative group. They refuse to allow any opposition members to participate and they are not even allowed to speak at their meetings. What have they got to fear? a more open and transparent process developing the local plan is surely better for our District and surely having maximum and buy in and support from all members of the Council, utilising all skills and talents, would be advantageous? Guess not! Labour Councillors raised questions on support for businesses and people that are furloughed, plus, the Thetford bus services, and asked the Leader to enquire why Thetford has missed out on millions of pounds worth of funding despite a report revealing that Thetford scored more highly than both Norwich and Ipswich who did receive funding!

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