Thursday 5 July 2012

My speech to Breckland Council re: TAAP on 5th July 2012

Thank-you Mr Chairman, I speak on this subject as an elected representative of the people of Thetford, and in particular the Thetford Saxon Ward. This issue is not a party political issue. It goes beyond that.

My concerns regarding the growth plans for Thetford are well known. Many other people have expressed similar and additional concerns. Thousands of people have been involved in the numerous consultations and nearly 2,500 voted in a referendum on the issue of the bus station. Further to this, many organisations have submitted views, and many have raised concerns.

Let’s be clear, this is not a debate about Thetford moving forward or not, it is not about old versus new it is not about change versus stagnation. I welcome growth, and I welcome the opportunities that it may bring – this is a view almost universally shared in the town. But, if there is one thing that the history of the town of Thetford shows, it is that growth must be meticulously planned as well as appropriately and sensitively managed. If it is not, the consequences will have to be suffered for generations to follow.

I remain unconvinced that the present plans detailed in the TAAP are in the best interests of present day Thetford or its future. For example, these plans will do little to improve existing residents quality of life, and improve the areas that they live in, indeed I fear what may materialise will be to the detriment of existing areas. Shiny new schools and new community centres will not help what limited facilities currently exist, many left to ruin by this council, but the realization of the plan will highlight the stark contrast that exists to a far greater extent. And peripheral new retail areas and service centres will not encourage more people to shop in the high street, they will further assist in its decline. Relocating all high school provision to one end of town will not assist with the education of many of the towns young people who will now be faced with a 6 mile walk each day to and from school, these proposals will be to the detriment of their education.

Had I been presented today with a plan for growth that showed me a true commitment to regeneration, sympathetic, meaningful and tangible support for our historical and environmental assets and a determination not to create a two tier Thetford then it would have my emphatic support, this plan is not that plan, and I will not support it.

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